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KMHSS, Thanjavur

Meeting with Politicians

Our Honourable correspondent ,
Respected Principals( SB/CBSE) who were courtesily met with Honourable Member of Parliament,Member of legislative Assembly and City councillor, District Educational officer (private school’s

KMHSS, Thanjavur

Women's day Celebration

On the celebrations of women’s day,
Our Honourable correspondent,
Respected Principal ,
Dedicated JRC Co-ordinator,
Beloved Teachers and our soulful students are participated the plantation of Trees.

KMHSS, Thanjavur

Sports day & Annual day

Sports day and Annual day was conducted in our School,Sports winners who are Honoured by our Chairman sir and Principal Sir.

KMHSS, Thanjavur

Weekly Test

Top 3 Rank Holders and Subject wise centum Holders are Honoured by Principal Sir

KMHSS, Thanjavur

Non stop Silambam Competition

Attempt to world record,
Non stop Silambam Competition Winners are Honoured by Principal Sir.

KMHSS, Thanjavur

vermicompost preparation Programme

Biodegradable garbage and non-biodegradable garbage and vermicompost preparation Programme conducted in Vallam. In that programme Our Principal and Vice-principal and also our students are participated.

KMHSS, Thanjavur

Skin Disease Awareness programme

Skin Disease Awareness programme was Conducted in Kalaimagal Vidya Mandir Senior Secondary School Vallam.
Chief Guest, Dr. R.Shobana,MD, DVL,
(Honorary Secretary of IADVL).

KMHSS, Thanjavur

Pongal Celebration

Pongal Festival of Kalaimagal Group of Institutions was conducted,Headed by Our Honourable Chairman Sir,
All staff and Students had enjoyed and excited.

KMHSS, Thanjavur

Drugs Awareness programme

Thasildar, Inspector Our school Principal And
Vice-principal Sir are Headed.Students and that officials
took a pledge about Don’t use Drugs.

KMHSS, Thanjavur

Silambam Competition

District level Silambam competition Winner,who is honoured by Principal and Vice-principal.

KMHSS, Thanjavur

Top 3 Rank holders and Subject wise centum holders in Half-yearly

6th – 8th
Top 3 Rank holders and Subject wise centum holders in Half-yearly Examination.They are Honoured by Principal and Vice-principal among all the Parents.

KMHSS, Thanjavur

Top 3 Rank holders and Subject wise centum holders in Half-yearly

Top 3 Rank holders and Subject wise centum holders in Half-yearly Examination.They are Honoured by Principal and Vice-principal among all the Parents.

KMHSS, Thanjavur

State level Bharathanatyam competition

State level Bharatanatyam competition winners honoured by Principal and Vice principal .

KMHSS, Thanjavur

State level Silambam competition

State level Silambam competition Winners.

KMHSS, Thanjavur

Karate Competition

State level Open Kids karate championship Winners.

KMHSS, Thanjavur

Childrens Day Celebration - 2024

KMHSS, Thanjavur

Quarterly Examination Centum Holders

Knowledge is power. Information is liberating. Education is the premise of progress, in every society, in every family

 To prove that above quoted lines  our kalaimagal students succeeded in the quarterly examination and achieved a centum in various subjects.

   Our Respected Principal and Vice Principal are appreciated the rank holders and congratulate Pupils

KMHSS, Thanjavur

District Level Silambam Competition


To prove above quoted lines here Our Kalaimagan and Kalaimagal won the First place in District Level Silambam competition,Our Principal and Vice Principal appreciated and congratulated our students

KMHSS, Thanjavur

First -Mid Term Examination Centum Holders

We feel proud to share you that our students  succeeded in the First -Mid Term Examination and achieved centums in various subjects.Our Respected Principal and Vice Principal
 are appreciated the Rank holders and congratulate the pupils.

KMHSS, Thanjavur

Re-Opening Day Celebration

“A new school year means beginnings,new adventures,new friendships and new challenges.” “The first day of school is always a fashion show. The first day of school is memorable and eventful for every child.

        Here are the glimpses of our RE-OPENING DAY

KMHSS, Thanjavur

Parents Teacher Meeting

“The teacher is not your enemy,but is on your side and wants to work with you for the betterment of your child”

            A Parent-Teachers Meeting was conducted on 28-06-2024. The parents were intimated through the student official groups well in advance through class teachers and mentors. The meeting was  discussion about student’s performance in individual subjects, students discipline in classrooms and their attendance percentage.

 Here are the glimpses of our PTM

KMHSS, Thanjavur

Child Marriage Awareness

“Stop Child marriage to save the precious childhood of a child”

             Our School  conducted awareness programme about “Child marriage “

KMHSS, Thanjavur

School Toppers VI - XII

We are happy to inform you that our School Toppers of VI std to XII std. 

                              Congratulations Toppers keep it up


KMHSS, Thanjavur

Multi Talent Marathon-2023

We feel elated to share with you that our Kalaimagan participates in “Multi Talent Marathon-2023” organised by “Manasa Academy”

          Congrats!!! Keep achieving

KMHSS, Thanjavur

Science Exhibition

“To know that we know what we know, and to know that we do not know what we do not know, that is true knowledge.”

   To prove the above quoted lines, Our  kalaimagan Sabarivel of IX std had won the second place in District level ” Science Exhibition”

KMHSS, Thanjavur

Awarness Speech

“Corruption is the enemy of development, and of good governance”
        Indian Overseas Bank staff delivered the speech and created  the awareness about “Corruption  “

KMHSS, Thanjavur

Weekly Test Toppers

We are happy to inform you that our weekly test top performers.

                              Congratulations Toppers keep it up

KMHSS, Thanjavur

Quiz competition and Kho-Kho Event

“Winners never quit and quitters never win.”

        Our school conducted the speedcubing,Quiz competition and Kho-Kho event.
         Congratulation Winners and Runners.Keep it up.

KMHSS, Thanjavur


“Cherish the moments that make you smile ,for in school photos,they will live forever”

        Photos of Our Students with their beloved Teachers .Here are the  few glimpses of our school group photos

KMHSS, Thanjavur

Yoga Day Celebration 2023-2024

KMHSS, Thanjavur

Fruits and Vegetable Competation 2023-2024

KMHSS, Thanjavur

Sports Day Celebration 2023-2024

Hard days are the best because those are the days when champions are made.

KMHSS, Thanjavur

Thirukkural Competition 2023-2024

Thirukkural is considered a masterpiece and one of the most important works of Tamil literature. Kural’s authorship is greatly appreciated by scholars for his nature of selecting the best virtues found in all texts and presenting them in a general manner that is acceptable to all.

KMHSS, Thanjavur

International Silambam Competition

“People with goals succeed because they know where they’re going.”To prove that above quoted lines here Our Kalaimagal and Kalaimagan won the First place  in  International Silambam competition.

Our Chairman, Principal, and Vice Principal appreciated our students.

KMHSS, Thanjavur

Half-Yearly Examination Centum Achieved Students

“Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice, and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do.”
To prove the above quoted lines our students  succeeded in the Half yearly examination and achieved centums in various subjects.We are appreciated the Rank holders and congratulate the pupils.

KMHSS, Thanjavur

District Level Karate

We proudly inform you that our Kalaimagan C.MITHRAN had won the FIRST PRIZE in the  DISTRICT level KARATE competition 

KMHSS, Thanjavur

District Level Silambam

We proudly inform you that our Kalaimagan P.VEERAMANIKANDAN had won the FIRST PRIZE in the  DISTRICT level SILAMBAM competition and also  he was selected for the State level.

KMHSS, Thanjavur

World Record

KMHSS, Thanjavur

Weekly Test Top Performers

We are happy to inform you that our weekly test top performers.

Congratulations Toppers keep it up 

KMHSS, Thanjavur

Karate Competition

We proudly inform you that our Kalaimagan N.DHEENA had won the FIRST PRIZE in the  DISTRICT level KARATE competition

KMHSS, Thanjavur


We proudly inform you that our Kalaimagal S.DHARSHIKA SRI (5th std) won the FIRST PRIZE in the  DISTRICT level BHARATANATYAM competition

KMHSS, Thanjavur

Results Appreciation

“All of us do not have equal talent. But, all of us have an equal opportunity to develop our talents.”

To prove the above quoted lines our students  succeeded in the Quarterly examination and achieved centums in various subjects.We wholeheartedly congratulate the Pupil from VI std to XII std

KMHSS, Thanjavur

Parents Teacher Meeting

“Parent  and Teacher meeting working together create a strong foundation of Student success”

     Our Kalaimagal conducted the Quarterly examination Parent-Teacher Meeting
Here are the glimpses of our PTM

KMHSS, Thanjavur

Krishna Jayanthi

Krishna’s enchanting laughter fills our hearts with pure joy and bliss.”

KMHSS, Thanjavur

JRC - Junior Red Cross

We, JRC Group shall deliver excellent value and contribute to a bright future for people, society and the world through wisdom and creativity.

KMHSS, Thanjavur

Teachers Day

Happy Teacher’s Day! It has been an honor to get to learn so many things from you; thank you for inspiring me! We need more instructors like you in our schools and universities.

KMHSS, Thanjavur

Honour School for Patriotism

We are happy to inform you that our school   has been awarded with a Title ” Honour School for Patriotism”on Independance day for cultural programmes which have been appreciated with a shield by“Agaram Kalvi Arakkattalai”. Trichy-5

KMHSS, Thanjavur

Health Offcer Inspection

“Cleanliness is next to Godliness”

Kalaimagal school  states that  our honourable health Minister awarded the Sanitation certificate for our school

KMHSS, Thanjavur

Independence Day Celebration

“A country’s greatness lies in its undying ideals of love and sacrifice that inspire the mothers of the race”

Kalaimagal School happily celebrated the “77th Independence Day “.On this day we celebrated united,embracing the diversity that fortifies our strength”.
     Our honourable Chairman hoisted the National Flag and cherished the moment.
Here are the glimpses of our celebration.

KMHSS, Thanjavur


The honourable respected Inspector police of  Vallam Thanjavur district created the awareness of sexual abusement by the programme conducted on 25.06.23

KMHSS, Thanjavur


    “Accident brings tears Safety brings Cheers”

         BUCKLE UP



              Here are the few snaps for our school for “ROAD SAFETY AWARENESS “,which was delivered by Honourable Sub Inspector of Police”Mrs.Josephine Sisara” Vallam station.

        Special thanks to Sub Inspector of Police and the Management who created the opportunity for road  safety awareness

KMHSS, Thanjavur

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas day is celebrated all over the world on December 25. People celebrate Christmas day to commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ.Christmas Day is a time to gather with loved ones and friends, exchange gifts, enjoy wonderful food, and spend quality time together.

“We feel pleasure to inform that our KALAMAGAL joyfully celebrated the CHRISTMAS DAY”  

KMHSS, Thanjavur

Yellow Day

A day dedicated to the yellow colour was marked with children dressed in different hues and tints of yellow.Children were not only beautifully dressed in their favorite yellow dresses but also brought yellow objects to make it a complete”YELLOW DAY”

KMHSS, Thanjavur

Students Compliments


KMHSS, Thanjavur

Extra Curricular Activities

பட்டுக்கோட்டையில் 05.02.2023 அன்று மாநில அளவில் நடைபெற்ற கராத்தே போட்டியில் முதலிடம் பெற்ற நம் பள்ளி மாணவன் ஆறாம் வகுப்பை சேர்ந்த சே. தேவதர்ஷன் தலைமையாசிரியர் மற்றும் உதவி தலைமை ஆசிரியரை சந்தித்து வாழ்த்து பெற்ற போது எடுத்த படம் .

KMHSS, Thanjavur

Extra Curricular Activities

எமது பள்ளியின் ஆறாம் வகுப்பு மாணவர் தீனா மாநில அளவில் நடைபெற்ற கராத்தே மற்றும் சிலம்பம் ஆகிய போட்டிகளில் முதலிடத்தைப் பெற்றுள்ளார்.வெற்றி பெற்ற மாணவனை தலைமை ஆசிரியர் மற்றும் உதவி தலைமை ஆசிரியர் வாழ்த்திய போது

KMHSS, Thanjavur

Securing Highest Marks in the Second Term Examination

Here are the few snaps the students VI to XII std  receiving the certificates  for  securing highest marks in the Second Term Examination

Our beloved Parents of KMHSS distributed prizes cherishly for the Achievers

KMHSS, Thanjavur


 Here are the flashes of the students who have participated in Singing and Speech Competitions  conducted by  “PERIYAR MANIYAMMAI INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY.”


KMHSS, Thanjavur


Achievers are not born talented but they possess the “i can do it attitude

       To prove that here ,we are proudly and happy to announce that
Our Kalaimagan PRAGADEESWARAN [ XI ]  had won the first place in Essay Writing , Our Kalaimagal SWATHI [ IX ]  had won the first place in Speech competition conducted by Vallam librarians,Thanjavur.

KMHSS, Thanjavur


 “Noone has ever achieved greatness without dream”
     Here are the few snaps which flashes the students of  VI – XII STD  receiving the certificates for securing highest marks in the QUARTERLY EXAMINATION.
        Our school chairman distributed prizes for the Achievers.

KMHSS, Thanjavur


Achievements of today are the stepping stones for the future ones

Here are a few snaps which flashes the students of LKG -V STD receiving the winners certificates for THIRUKURAL RECITATION


KMHSS, Thanjavur

Silambam Kalaimagangal

We proudly inform you that our Kalaimagan P.VEERAMANIKANDAN (10th std) and Kalaimagan G.SOMESHWARAN(10th Std) had won the FIRST PRIZE in the  DISTRICT level SILAMBAM event


KMHSS, Thanjavur

Congratulating The Top Scorers

“Education breeds confidence”
Here are a few snaps which flashes the students of X and XII standard receiving the certificates for securing highest marks in the First Term Examination.
Our School Chairman distributed prizes for the acheivers

KMHSS, Thanjavur

Celebrating 75thIndependence Day

 “Freedom is the mind,Faith in the words,Pride in our souls”
      Our Kalaimagal schools held a ceremony at campus to celebrate India’s 75th Independence Day.
       Our Honourable Chairman Dr.RAMU initiated the ceremony by hoisting the National Flag proudly.
        Catch glimpses of the celebration below!

KMHSS, Thanjavur

Kamarajar Birthday Speech Competition

காமராஜர் பிறந்த நாளாம் கல்வி வளர்ச்சி நாளை முன்னிட்டு நடைபெற்ற பேச்சுப்போட்டியில்  எமது பள்ளி மாணவிகள்(ரா.அட்சயா மற்றும் பா.சுவாதி) ஆகியோர் மாவட்ட அளவில் முதல் இடத்தை பெற்றுள்ளனர்

KMHSS, Thanjavur

Silambam Competition

மாநில அளவில்   நடைபெற்ற சிலம்பம் சுழற்றும் போட்டியில்  எமது பள்ளி மாணவன்(ச.கீர்த்திவாசன்) இரண்டாம்  இடத்தை பெற்றுள்ளார்

KMHSS, Thanjavur

Drawing Competition

Drawing makes us more  real and makes us feel more alive

          yes ! here are the winners,who participated  in the drawing competition to prove the above quoted lines
         congratulations students, you are awesome!!!